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Adjetivos e Advérbios - parte 3

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Adjetivos e Advérbios - parte 3 Empty Adjetivos e Advérbios - parte 3

Mensagem por Pedro Sáb 14 Jun 2014, 4:10 pm

Material elaborado pelo professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa.

051 | UFV 2003
All the alternatives below are examples of comparatives,

a) "...children as young as two..."
b) "...scored higher than people who..."
c) "...listening longer results in staying smarter longer".
d) "...Mozart was | ... a quick thinker".
e) "Mozart makes you smarter!"

052 | UFPE 2003 – ADAPTED
The expression more and more, in "more and more
complex" and in "more and more intelligent":

( ) indicates emphasis.
( ) carries the meaning of even more.
( ) means greater in degree.
( ) is used as an intensifier.
( ) signifies equal or identical in degree.

a) V V V V F
b) V V V V V
c) V V F V F
d) V F V V F
e) F V F V F

053 | PUCRIO 2004
The only item that contains an adjective used in the
superlative form is:

a) "The widespread destruction (...) is happening before we
even know the most basic facts about what we are losing."
b) "Covering only 6 percent of the Earth's surface, tropical
moist forests contain at least half of all species."
c) "Scientists estimate that (...) as much as 20 or 25 percent
of the world's plant species will soon be extinct."
d) "However, the chemical structures of most natural drugs
(...) simple extraction is usually less expensive than
e) "Tropical forests offer hope for safer contraceptives for
both women and men."

054 | UFRS 2005
Considere a frase:

This program teaches FASTER THAN any other language

– A alternativa que apresenta o significado antônimo da
expressão destacada é:

a) less faster than.
b) more slowly than.
c) as slow as.
d) as fast as.
e) the slowest.

055 | UFRRJ 2003
The sequence that has the same formation of the words
“newer” and “higher” is:

a) good – dark – late.
b) tough – tight – clear.
c) great – far – easy.
d) distant – tidy – thick.
e) big – wide – dangerous.

056 | UERJ 2004
“If it's noisy, call back from somewhere quieter.”

The suffix -er in quieter is semantically equivalent to the
suffix in:

a) manners.
b) users.
c) caller.
d) louder.

057 | UFV 2004
All the options below are examples of comparatives, except:

a) younger.
b) controller.
c) rarer.
d) harder.
e) smaller.

058 | UFV 2005
Choose the alternative in which BOTH words are examples
of the comparative form:

a) lower / friendlier
b) good-natured / miners
c) well-regulated / friendlier
d) lower / miners
e) well-regulated / miners

059 | UFSM 2005
A palavra "wider" apresenta uma marca de comparação. A
mesma marca de comparação é apresentada na palavra:

a) speaker.
b) easier.
c) greatly.
d) learners.
e) together.

060 | UFPE 2007
Select the phrase that is in the comparative degree of

a) An enormous man.
b) Dinner on the top floor.
c) On the opposite corner.
d) Earlier this evening.
e) São Paulo's tallest building.

061 | UFRS 2007
Select the correct alternative to complete the sentence

The opposite of SMALLER and LIGHTER is respectively
__________ and __________.

a) littler – easier
b) larger – heavier
c) larger – easier
d) little – heavier
e) bigger – greater

062 | FATEC 2008
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta o uso correto do termo
fewer como no exemplo "fewer than one in five owners of a
mobile-wallet handset":

a) Mary has fewer money than John.
b) My teacher has fewer patience than the other teachers.
c) This company has fewer equipments than the others.
d) My brother plays fewer musics than I do.
e) Sue has fewer friends than her sister does.

063 | UNESP 2008
Indique a alternativa que expresse o mesmo significado de
“Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery".

a) Imitation is the best form of provocation.
b) Imitation is a true form of irritation.
c) Imitation is a real form of harassment.
d) Imitation is the most accurate form of exasperation.
e) Imitation is the most genuine form of adulation.

064 | MACKENZIE 1976
Mark the correct item:

She is beautiful, but she is __________ her brother.

a) most beautiful of
b) less beautiful
c) as beautiful
d) not so beautiful
e) not as beautiful as

065 | FATEC 2003
Assinale a alternativa em que o adjetivo é composto por dois
substantivos, como na palavra "weight-loss":

a) low-cholesterol meals.
b) high-fat intake.
c) western-style boots.
d) well-known people.
e) ice-cream flavors.

066 | FGV 2007
In the sentence "Brazil's strong currency will likely also lead
to a loosening of foreign exchange restrictions", the word
LIKELY indicates a:

a) comparison.
b) conclusion.
c) probability.
d) preference.
e) certainty.

067 | UNESP 1984
Assinale a alternativa correta:

a) That is a five-storey building.
b) That is a building five storeys.
c) That is a five-storeys building.
d) That storey building is five.
e) That building storey is five.

068 | ITA 1996 – ADAPTED
Assinale a opção cujo adjetivo possa substituir, de maneira
bastante aproximada, os adjetivos different e appealing, em
destaque no texto a seguir:

Who are these Blur blokes who, after a shaky start, have
shaken the world? And what makes them so different, so
appealing as Pop Artist Richard Hamilton once asked in a
collage that they doubtless studied at art school. Is it art
school itself (they all attended Goldsmith') that sets apart?

(Q. March, 1995)

a) outstanding
b) fancy
c) lousy
d) nice
e) awful

069 | ITA 1998 – ADAPTED
Morfologicamente, as palavras KOBE e JAPAN, na primeira
linha do texto a seguir, devem ser classificadas como:

The cause of the magnitude 7.2 Kobe, Japan, earthquake in
January 1995 is unknown.

a) adjetivo.
b) substantivo.
c) advérbio.
d) vocativo.

070 | UFSC 1997 – ADAPTED
Select the proposition(s) in which the capital letters are

(01) The sun's rays are very POWERFUL.
(02) Don't take your VALUABLES on the beach.
(04) COCONUTS are delicious.
(08) The coral reef is BEAUTIFUL.
(16) Monkeys can be DANGEROUS.
(32) The hotel is not RESPONSIBLE for your valuables.

a) 01 + 02 + 08 + 16 + 32 = 59
b) 02 + 04 + 16 = 22
c) 02 + 08 + 16 + 32 = 58
d) 01 + 08 + 16 + 32 = 57
e) 01 + 02 + 04 + 08 + 16 + 32 = 63

071 | PUCSP 2007 – ADAPTED
Na sentença “Although American youth are more likely to
use the Internet every day”, a palavra LIKELY indica:

a) preferência.
b) desejo.
c) similaridade.
d) probabilidade.
e) superioridade.

The opposite of "overall" in the text below is:

These skills are regarded as essential components of a
diagnostic test which measures overall linguistic proficiency.

a) specific.
b) challenging.
c) regular.
d) forbidden.
e) refreshing.

073 | ITA 1999
Determine a função gramatical de impaired em "visually
impaired people" e de mouse em "mouse pad":

a) adjetivo – adjetivo
b) verbo – substantivo
c) adjetivo – substantivo
d) substantivo – adjetivo
e) verbo – adjetivo

074 | MACKENZIE 1997
The same as 'They hardly ever go to the movies' is:

a) Hardly ever they go to the movies.
b) Hardly they ever go to the movies.
c) Ever they do hardly go to the movies.
d) Hardly ever do they go to the movies.
e) They go to the movies hardly ever.

075 | MACKENZIE 1997
The same as 'Mr. Burton hardly talked to me.' is:

a) Hardly did Mr. Burton talked to me.
b) Hardly Mr. Burton talked to me.
c) Hardly did Mr. Burton talk to me.
d) Did Mr. Burton hardly talk to me.
e) Mr. Burton talked to me hardly.

Mensagens : 295
Data de inscrição : 09/01/2014

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