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Adjetivos e Advérbios - parte 2

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Adjetivos e Advérbios - parte 2 Empty Adjetivos e Advérbios - parte 2

Mensagem por Pedro Sáb 14 Jun 2014, 4:07 pm

Material elaborado pelo professor Jefferson Celestino da Costa.

026 | UNESP 1989
The sooner a man begins to work __________.

a) the bad
b) the best
c) the worst
d) the better
e) the good

027 | PUC 1975
Fill in the blank of the following sentence correctly:

The hole in front of his garage is becoming __________.

a) deep and deep
b) deeper and deeper
c) deep and deeper
d) deeper and deepest
e) deepest and deepest

028 | UNESP 1997
A lion is __________ than a dog.

a) strong
b) strongest
c) more strong
d) stronger
e) most strong

029 | UNESP 1998
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna
da frase adiante:

This hill is __________ than I thought it was.

a) more lower
b) lowest
c) lower
d) more low
e) more high

030 | MACKENZIE 1997
Indicate the alternative that best completes the following

His salary as a pilot is much higher __________.

a) in comparison of teachers
b) to compare as a teacher's
c) than that of a teacher
d) than of teachers'
e) than a teacher

031 | FEI 1997

John is __________ than the other students in his classroom,
but he is the __________.

a) younger – most intelligent
b) younger – more intelligent
c) more young – intelligentest
d) most young – more intelligent
e) more young – most intelligent

032 | MACKENZIE 1999
Which one is correct?

a) More have they, more want them.
b) As more they have, as more they want.
c) More they have, more they want.
d) The more they have, the more they want.
e) Do more they have, do more they want.

033 | UNESP 1999
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna
da frase adiante:

Paris is __________ than Rome.

a) the most beautiful
b) small
c) more rich
d) more beautiful
e) largest

034 | PUCPR 1998
Choose the only correct alternative to complete the spaces:

I. The United States is not __________ as Brazil.
II. The Everest is __________ mountain in the world.
III. Chimpanzees are __________ than dogs.
IV. Aids is __________ disease of human being.
V. Mike Tyson is __________ as Evander Holyfield.

a) as beautiful – the higher – so intelligent – the bad – more
b) more beautiful – the most high – as intelligent – the
baddest – so strong
c) so beautiful – the high – most intelligent – the badder –
d) so beautiful – the highest – more intelligent – the worst –
as strong
e) as beautiful – as highest – more intelligent – the worst –

035 | UNESP 2000
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna
da frase apresentada:

This is the __________ day I have ever had.

a) worse
b) bad
c) worst
d) less good
e) very bad

036 | UNESP 2001
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna
da frase apresentada:

Depending on the situation, having a computer may be
__________ having a telephone.

a) easier
b) more useful
c) more convenient than
d) the most difficult
e) useful than

037 | PUCRS 2001
Which of the following words DOES NOT form the
comparative the same way as friendly in friendlier?

a) high
b) healthy
c) sexy
d) costly
e) ugly

038 | UFPE 2002
"The caveman had a much harder life" means that his life

a) much easier.
b) more difficult.
c) less dangerous.
d) just as thrilling.
e) not as hard as ours.

039 | FATEC 2002
Interactivity makes life __________, yet __________ and
consumer-oriented. Plus, it's turning the world into a teeny,
homogenized global village and that is ultimately boring!

– A alternativa que preenche correta e respectivamente os
espaços em branco é:

a) more easier – hurrier
b) more easy – more hurried
c) easyer – hurrieder
d) easier – hurrieder
e) easier – more hurried

040 | PUCPR 2001
About adjectives, choose the alternative that completes the
sentences correctly:

I. Is this | 1 one you have?
II. Celine Dion sings | 2 Madonna, but Madonna dances | 3.
III. I wish I was | 4 Sean Connery.
IV. The church is | 5 monument of the town.

a) 1. the better; 2. best than; 3. well; 4. so handsome as; 5.
the more ancient
b) 1. the best; 2. so well as; 3. best; 4. more handsome than;
5. the ancienter
c) 1. the worst; 2. worse than; 3. better; 4. most handsome
than; 5. the most ancient
d) 1. the best; 2. as well as; 3. better; 4. as handsome as; 5.
the most ancient
e) 1. the worse; 2. better than; 3. best; 4. as handsome than;
5. the least ancient

041 | MACKENZIE 2001
Indicate the alternative that best completes the following

The more I read this book, __________.

a) the less I understand it
b) most is what he doesn't know
c) the least do I understand it
d) more I like
e) the most I can understand

042 | FEI 2000
WORST é superlativo de:

a) well
b) good
c) worn
d) bad
e) wealthy

043 | PUCPR 1999
Which is the option that completes the sentences

I. English is not __________ as Portuguese.
II. Australia is __________ island in the world.
III. In my opinion, Frank Sinatra was __________ singer of
this century.
IV. São Paulo is __________ as New York.
V. Europe is __________ from Brazil than EUA.

a) so difficult – bigger – the best – more noisier – as farther
b) difficultest – biggest – the good – as noisier – farther
c) as difficult – the biggest – the best – as noisy – farther
d) as difficult – the bigger – the best – so noisy – farther
e) difficulter – most big – better – noisiest – so farther

044 | PUCMG 1999
The capital expression in "The moment of discovery was NO
LESS MAGICAL THAN the day in 1922" means that the

a) was as magical as
b) was more magical
c) was less magical
d) wasn't magical
e) was most magical

045 | PUCRS 1999
The expression "as many as 80" expresses a capacity of:

a) not more than 80.
b) at least 80.
c) over 80.
d) less than 80.
e) close to 80.

046 | UNIT 1999
"Less intimate and more isolated" are comparatives. Check
the item that contains the correct superlative from of the
two adjectives:

a) The intimatest and the more isolated.
b) The intimatest and the least isolated.
c) The most intimate and the less isolated.
d) The least intimate and the less isolated.
e) The least intimate and the most isolated.

047 | FEI 2000
The sidewalks are getting NARROWER. Indique o antônimo

a) broader
b) thinner
c) more limited
d) shorter
e) higher

048 | UEL 2000 – ADAPTED
O adjetivo GREATEST, no fragmento abaixo, está no grau:

One of the GREATEST meteor showers of OUR lifetime may
(…) soon light up the night sky.

a) comparativo de igualdade.
b) superlativo de superioridade.
c) comparativo de superioridade.
d) comparativo de inferioridade.
e) normal.

049 | UFRS 2001
Os antônimos corretos das partes destacadas da expressão
"THE BEST and THE NEWEST facilities" são, respectivamente:

a) the most good – the youngest
b) the baddest – the oldest
c) the worst – the most old
d) the poorest – the most recent
e) the worst – the oldest

050 | UFRS 2002
As palavras a seguir seguem o mesmo processo de formação
de WEARER, à exceção de:

a) computer.
b) player.
c) weaker.
d) murderer.
e) writer

Mensagens : 295
Data de inscrição : 09/01/2014

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