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Conjunções - parte 4

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Mensagem por Pedro Dom 15 Jun 2014, 8:45 pm

091 | UFSM 2002
There is great evidence of the benefits of Yoga, __________,
some people still question this practice.

a) consequently
b) thus
c) however
d) despite
e) while

092 | UFSM 2002 – ADAPTED
O oposto do termo destacado em "But according to clinical
psychologist Simon Gelsthorpe, at Bradford Community
Health Trust, loneliness and depression are not always about
being alone" é:

a) in relation to.
b) as a result of.
c) concerning to.
d) in disagreement with.
e) in reference to.

093 | FATEC 2002
A palavra although em "Although many became ill the next
day, some guests didn't show symptoms for several days"
indica uma relação de sentido de:

a) tempo.
b) explicação.
c) consequência.
d) concessão.
e) adversidade.

094 | UNIRIO 2002
Whether it spreads joy or alarm, the body-shaping trend is a
boom that is still growing.

– The capital word discourse marker WHETHER introduces a

a) result;
b) example;
c) condition;
d) comparison;
e) choice of alternatives.

095 | JFS 2012
Mark the synonym to the words in bold in the sentence

Inasmuch as you are the older employer, you are
responsible for the performance of these men.

a) Unless
b) Still
c) In addition
d) Since
e) Hence

096 | ITA 2003 – ADAPTED
If all my relatives suddenly died and all my friendships dried
up and all of my subscriptions were cancelled and all of my
bills were paid, I would still be guaranteed mail – two pieces
a week, by my estimation – for the credit card companies
would still want me.

– A palavra FOR, em destaque na linha 4, poderia ser
substituída por:

a) yet.
b) why.
c) still.
d) but.
e) because.

097 | FATEC 2003 – ADAPTED
A palavra though em "Anyone can contract lupus, though it's
most common among those between 15 and 44" indica uma
relação de:

a) tempo.
b) concessão.
c) consequência.
d) explicação.
e) causa.

098 | JFS 2012
We were unable to get sponsoring and __________ had to
abandon the project.

a) provided
b) regardless
c) notwithstanding
d) despite
e) ergo

099 | UNIFESP 2003 – ADAPTED
Moreover, they do not allow patients to act meaningfully.

– Na frase acima, a palavra MOREOVER pode ser substituída,
sem mudar o sentido, por:

a) Furthermore.
b) However.
c) Thus.
d) Nevertheless.
e) Rather.

100 | UFRS 2001 – ADAPTED
Woody Allen's 'Sweet and Lowdown' has received great
critical acclaim, not least in the perceptive review of it by
Jonathan Romney. But not even he has discussed the aspect
of the film I found the most intriguing.

– A palavra "But" poderia ser substituída sem alteração de
sentido por:

a) although.
b) nevertheless.
c) therefore.
d) whatever.
e) despite.

101 | PUCPR 2003
Mark the alternative that offers the best way to complete
the sentences below:

I. Francis is engaged to be married, __________ she is still in
doubt about her getting married.
II. Tom does not have a new car, __________ does he have
an apartment of his own.
III. After dinner, Lee either plays cards __________ watches
IV. Joanne loves dancing __________ singing.
V. Michael and Peter should read more books, __________
they will take a literature test soon.

a) but – nor – and – and – for
b) but – or – or – and – so
c) yet – nor – or – in addition – so
d) but – nor – and – or – so
e) yet – nor – or – and – for

102 | UERJ 2003
And, since the "who" and "where" of our lives are always
changing, so is our understanding of truth.

– SINCE and SO in the sentence above may be notionally
replaced by:

a) if and thus.
b) therefore and but.
c) hence and instead.
d) because and likewise.

103 | PUCSP 2003 – ADAPTED
In 1995, the Brazilian daily "Folha de São Paulo" bore this
headline: "World Bank Report Indicates Brazil Is the Country
with the Greatest Social and Economic Disparity in the
World". The article reports that 51.3 percent of Brazilian
income is concentrated in 10 percent of the population. The
wealthiest 20 percent own 67.5 percent of Brazil, while the
20 percent who are poorest have only 2.1 percent. It was
that way when I was a boy, and it is still that way. As we
reached adolescence, my generation dreamed of inverting
this brutal legacy.

– Na frase "As we reached adolescence, my generation
dreamed...", a palavra As pode ser substituída, sem mudar o
sentido, por:

a) like.
b) whatever.
c) when.
d) as well as.
e) then.

104 | PUCSP 2003
Na frase "Students were either leftist or they would keep
their mouths shut". A expressão either... or indica uma idéia

a) exclusão.
b) inclusão.
c) gradação.
d) predominância.
e) enumeração.

105 | UNIRIO 2003
In "You hate air conditioning, YET your houses deal with
changes in the weather," the discourse marker yet denotes:

a) addition.
b) cause.
c) contrast.
d) comparison.
e) condition.

106 | PUCRS 2003
In the sentence "But Soderlholm and his wife, Gunvor, are
happy to pay", the word "but" could be replaced by:

a) Except for.
b) Therefore.
c) Yet.
d) Just.
e) While.

107 | UFSM 2003 – ADAPTED
Finding a public toilet in most of China is not difficult: you
can smell it long before you see it. But that's all beginning to
change. Recently, Beijing authorities promised a "toilet
revolution" (…). To prove they're serious, officials have
unveiled a star-rating system for bathrooms located at
popular tourist sites-ranking each facility with zero to five
stars. Within three years Beijing hopes to have 471 four-star
toilets at places like the Forbidden City and Summer Palace.

– A palavra like indica:

a) comparação.
b) exemplificação.
c) concordância.
d) contraste.
e) consequência.

108 | PUCSP 2005
Com base na seguinte frase, responda à questão:

"Yet, just as those made of wood, bark, reeds, feathers, and
animal skins are fragile, even ephemeral, so is this culture".

– A expressão "... just as ... so is ..." indica uma relação de:

a) diferença.
b) comparação.
c) consequência.
d) reiteração.
e) ponto de vista.

109 | UNESP 1997
Marque a alternativa que completa as lacunas na sentença a
seguir corretamente:

Charles ... Mary are brother ... sister.

a) or / and
b) and / or
c) and / but
d) and / and
e) but / and

110 | PUCPR 2005
Conjunções - parte 4 Img12
– In "... BECAUSE there weren't any malls, SO everyone was
depressed", the ideas expressed by the capital words are

a) comparison – result
b) reason – addition
c) contrast – result
d) consequence – condition
e) reason – consequence

111 | JFS 2012
No texto abaixo, os vocábulos em destaque expressam,

Newsweek circa 1965 and the iPad may seem worlds apart,
but what they have in common outweighs their differences.
Both eschew style over substance while wholeheartedly
embracing substance with style. Marrying the 1965 version
of Newsweek to the 2012 iPad's technology, we created a
design that respectfully tips its hat to the past without ever
getting stuck there. Call it retro with mojo. Won't you join us
on the elevator.

a) contraste e concessão.
b) contraste e adição.
c) contraste e simultaneidade.
d) concessão e contraste.
e) concessão e simultaneidade.

112 | UECE 2000
O vocábulo BUT, na frase But Bobby Crabtree and his wife
thought Matilda was staying with friends that night,
classifica-se gramaticalmente como:

a) verbo
b) pronome
c) conjunção
d) advérbio

113 | UFC 2005 – ADAPTED
The twelve days of the event led to a series of infrastructure
changes that will very much improve the quality of life for
citizens in Greece, especially groups of people with
restricted mobility. __________, the greatest legacy of the
Athens 2004 Paralympic Games will be a new social
perception of the disabled.

– The appropriate expression to complete the blank in line
04 is:

a) Besides
b) However
c) In general
d) Once more
e) For instance

114 | UFC 2000
The sentence “Yet their ambitions and their dreams are a
mirror image of our own – and our response to them says a
great deal about us as individuals, as a country” is equivalent
in meaning to:

a) In other words, their ambitions and their dreams are a
mirror image of our own – and our response to them says a
great deal about us as individuals, as a country.
b) As a result, their ambitions and their dreams are a mirror
image of our own – and our response to them says a great
deal about us as individuals, as a country.
c) In addition, their ambitions and their dreams are a mirror
image of our own – and our response to them says a great
deal about us as individuals, as a country.
d) Similarly, their ambitions and their dreams are a mirror
image of our own - and our response to them says a great
deal about us as individuals, as a country.
e) Still, their ambitions and their dreams are a mirror image
of our own – and our response to them says a great deal
about us as individuals, as a country.

115 | ITA 2006
Leia atentamente todo o período transcrito abaixo, verifique
as idéias contidas nas orações introduzidas por unless e
hence e assinale a opção que, respectivamente, expressa
tais idéias.

Unless the administration changes its approach, it will
continue to erode America’s good name, and hence its
ability to effectively influence world affairs.

a) uma causa e uma concessão.
b) uma explicação e uma adição.
c) uma condição e uma explicação.
d) uma explicação e uma conclusão.
e) uma condição e uma conclusão.

116 | FAAP 1975
Assinale a alternativa correta:

__________ he was waiting for the news, he looked very

a) If
b) While
c) Why
d) Since
e) How

117 | UERJ 2006
Connectors establish a set of semantic roles while linking
clauses. Observe the kind of link employed in the sentence

"It isn't simply that he accepts the factual existence of power
or legitimacy; RATHER, it's that he accepts that an authority
figure is justified in making a decision without also
explaining the reason for that."

– The information that follows the spotted connector
functions as:

a) enumeration.
b) replacement.
c) reinforcement.
d) exemplification.

118 | FATEC 2007
O advérbio rather than em "Rather than buying more guns
or patrol cars, Bogotá's cops went for something bigger:
science" poderia ser substituído, sem prejuízo de significado,

a) instead of.
b) in addition to.
c) as long as.
d) now that.
e) as far as.

119 | UNIFESP 2007
Em "The United States might buy up credits instead of
reducing their own emissions", a expressão instead of

a) reiteração.
b) substituição.
c) alternância.
d) sugestão.
e) causalidade.

120 | JFS 2011
In the sentence "Even though some investors thought the
upgrade had been long overdue, few expected it to
materialise before the end of the year due to current global
uncertainty", even though and due to express, respectively,
ideas of:

a) cause and effect.
b) contrast and addition.
c) contrast and resulting.
d) complementarity and consequence.
e) resulting and effect.

121 | JFS 2012
Which of the following sentences can be filled in correctly
with the word ‘instead’?

a) I think I'd like to stay at home this evening __________ go
b) You can go __________ me, if you want.
c) There's no coffee – would you like a cup of tea
d) Small cities aren't very noise __________ they can be fun.
e) __________ all my work, I still failed the exam.

122 | IME/CG 2012
They seem to have the same number of stars as fully grown
galaxies in the present-day Universe. __________, their sizes
are four to five times smaller and their densities are a
hundred times larger than their present-day counterparts.

a) Whenever
b) Even though
c) Though
d) However
e) Although

123 | IME 2012 – ADAPTED
Leia o texto seguinte e complete as lacunas com as palavras

Atmospheric Physics is the study of physical processes in the
atmosphere; understanding the climate and the weather,
and the physical reasons __________ it is as it is and how it
might change in the future. My own particular research
background is in radiative transfer and by that I mean the
transport of electromagnetic radiation through the
atmosphere; __________ the Sun’s radiation coming in,
getting absorbed and scattered in the air, and the transfer of
heat radiation emitted by the Earth’s surface.

a) as – neither
b) because – if
c) for – but
d) why – both
e) that – not only

124 | JFS 2012
New York City closed several blocks of Broadway in 2009 to
create a pedestrian plaza around Times Square – a much-
publicized experiment that in February became permanent
policy, even though it did not improve traffic flow as much
as hoped. The Big Apple has also dabbled in shorter-term
but larger-scale street closures, barring cars on a stretch of
streets leading from the Brooklyn Bridge to Central Park on a
series of summer Saturdays in 2008 and 2009. And on June
7, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced a
somewhat less sexy but nonetheless significant change in
the city's infrastructure, instituting dedicated bus-only lanes
on Manhattan's East Side to speed transit up and down the

– As expressões em NEGRITO no excerto acima podem ser
substituídas, respectivamente, por:

a) although e yet.
b) besides e nevertheless.
c) since e even though.
d) however e therefore.
e) though e moreover.

125 | EFOMM 2010
She has tried to reach them four times on the phone without
success. Hence she needs to write them as her last option.

– The underlined connective expresses the idea of:

a) addition
b) conclusion
c) enumeration
d) contrast
e) concession

126 | EFOMM 2013
He says he’s not wealthy, and __________ he owns a house
at the beach and drives a BMW.

a) so
b) so that
c) because
d) unless
e) yet

127 | IME 2013
No sooner had we arrived at the beach, __________ it began
pouring down.

a) than
b) when
c) so
d) that
e) and

128 | IME 2013
Internships have value, ________ or not students are paid.

a) if
b) as long
c) whether
d) because
e) as

129 | JFS 2013
The evening was very pleasant, albeit a little quiet.

– O vocábulo em negrito acima pode ser substituído, sem
causar alteração no sentido da sentença por:

a) although.
b) unless.
c) moreover.
d) hence.
e) provided.

130 | JFS 2013
He took to the stage __________ he had been preparing for
this moment all his life.

– A lacuna na sentença acima deve ser preenchida por:

a) if
b) like
c) as
d) as though
e) nevertheless

“Because your own strength is unequal to the task,
do not assume that it is beyond the powers of man;
but if anything is within the powers and province of man,
believe that it is within your own compass also.”
Marcus Aurelius

Mensagens : 295
Data de inscrição : 09/01/2014

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