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Condicionais - parte 1

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Mensagem por Pedro Dom 15 Jun 2014, 12:18 pm

001 | UNESP 1991
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna
da frase a seguir:

If he put it this way, everybody __________ with him.

a) would agree
b) should have agreed
c) will agree
d) would has agreed
e) agreeded

002 | ITA 1996 – ADAPTED
__________ just call our 24-Hour Card Replacement, and
we'll have a new one in your hands usually by the end of the
next business day.

– No texto acima omitiu-se uma oração. Preencha-a com a
opção que representa a melhor redação:

a) If you need a lost or stolen card replaced
b) If you need replace a lost or stolen card
c) If a lost or stolen card needs to replace
d) If it is needed to replace a lost or stolen card
e) If a lost or stolen card needs to be replaced by us

003 | PUCCAMP 1994
Assinale a letra correspondente à alternativa que preenche
corretamente as lacunas da frase apresentada:

- "Frederick, what's the matter with you? This is the third
assignment you haven't turned in!"
- "I know, Mr. Dwarf. I would have turned them in
__________ but I've been extremely busy."
- "But that's no excuse. You must understand that I'll have to
fail you if you don't complete your requirements."
- "Yes, I know. I'll try to catch up."

a) when I have time
b) if I had time
c) if I had had time
d) if I will have time
e) when I would have time

004 | UEL 1995
If you don't go, __________ very angry.

a) I feel
b) I am
c) I was
d) I'll be
e) I have been

005 | UFMG 1995

Love Among the Laundry

When Sally found a man's striped sock curled among her
clothes at the launderette she returned it to the tall dark
young man with a shy smile. They met there every week for
several months, then were seen no more. One of their
wedding presents had been a washing machine.

(Molly Burnett)

– If they had not got married, they would probably have:

a) changed their dirty clothes.
b) lost their socks forever.
c) rented a washing machine.
d) returned to the launderette.
e) sold their striped socks.

006 | MACKENZIE 1996
Indicate the alternative that best completes the following

If you had taken my advice, you __________.

a) would learned the lesson
b) would have learnt the lesson
c) should learned the lesson
d) would learn the lesson
e) should understand the lesson

007 | CESGRANRIO 1991
Mark the item that shows the correct ending to the
following sentence:

If the process happens each time we eat sugar, we:

a) will have dental problems.
b) would have dental problems.
c) would have had dental problems.
d) could have dental problems.
e) may have had dental problems.

008 | ITA 1997
Lady Astor MP: "If you (I) my husband I (II) poison your
Churchill: "If you (III) my wife I (IV) drink it."

– Os termos que melhor preenchem as lacunas I, II, III e IV

a) were (I), would (II), were (III), had (IV).
b) was (I), would (II), was (III), would (IV).
c) were (I), had (II), were (III), had (IV).
d) was (I), could (II), was (III), would (IV).
e) were (I), would (II), were (III), would (IV).

009 | ITA 1998
Leia a seguir o comentário publicado pela revista

"He had lots of German in him. Some Irish. But no Jew. I
think that if he __________ a little Jew he __________ it

Singer Courtney Love,
on the suicide of her rock-star husband, Kurt Cobain.

– As lacunas (I) e (II) do comentário anterior devem ser
preenchidas, respectivamente, por:

a) I. had had, II. would have stuck
b) I. has had, II. would stick
c) I. have had, II. had had stuck
d) I. had had, II. had stuck
e) I. had, II. would stuck

010 | UFRS 1996
The alternative that does not finish the sentence "If it rains
we..." correctly is:

a) couldn't go out.
b) won't go out.
c) mustn't go out.
d) shouldn't go out.
e) can't go out.

011 | UFRS 1997 – ADAPTED
A frase sublinhada em "if you are otherwise healthy, just call
your doctor" seria melhor traduzida como:

a) se você não é saudável de outras maneiras.
b) se você tiver pouca saúde.
c) se você for saudável e esperto.
d) se você não tem outras doenças.
e) se você tem um plano de saúde.

012 | UNESP 2001
Candidates who get a poor result always regret:

If I had studied more before sitting for the test, I
__________ it.

a) would pass
b) passed
c) have passed
d) would have passed
e) had passed

013 | UFC 2001

Amelia's Letter

Dear Members of the UNICEF,

I am an eleven-year-old girl and come from a
small village. I left home to come to the city and to work to
send money to my family. Now I make T-shirts in a factory. I
work twelve hours a day for very little money. The factory is
very dirty and hot. The boss is very mean and often beats us.
He makes us work very hard without breaks. My friends and
I want to leave but we know that working in the factory is
better than begging in the streets. The boss tells us this
every single day...
Could you please tell us what to do?

Adapted from: "Voices of Youth":

– Choose the option that correctly completes the sentence:

If Amelia __________, she __________.

a) had left her family behind – could have gotten a job
b) hadn't come from a small village – wouldn't be eleven
years old
c) worked less than 12 hours a day – wouldn't be beaten by
her boss
d) hadn't gotten a job in a factory – might have worked with
her mean boss
e) weren't afraid of ending up begging in the streets – would
have already left the factory

014 | PUCRS 2002
The sentence "Had he made Patch Adams, Salles would have
focused on the medical profession" could be rewritten,
without change in meaning, as:

a) If Salles focused on the medical profession, he would have
made "Patch Adams".
b) Salles would focus on the medical profession if he would
have made "Patch Adams".
c) If Salles had focused on the medical profession, he would
have made "Patch Adams".
d) If Salles made "Patch Adams", he would focus on the
medical profession.
e) Salles would have focused on the medical profession if
he'd made "Patch Adams".

015 | MACKENZIE 2002
If she had gone to the movies, __________.

a) she might be sick now
b) Jane would be busy
c) she would like to call Jane
d) she would have met Jane
e) Jane will be happy

016 | MACKENZIE 2002
If I __________ my raincoat, I __________ a cold.

a) had worn – wouldn't have gotten
b) wear – would have get
c) didn't wear – wouldn't have get
d) am wearing – would have gotten
e) hadn't wear – couldn't have get

017 | FUVEST 2003 – ADAPTED
Diana had been hoping to get away by five, so she could be
at the farm in time for dinner. She tried not to show her true
feelings when at 4.37 her deputy, Phil Haskins, presented
her with a complex twelve-page document that required the
signature of a director before it could be sent out the client.
Haskins didn't hesitate to remind her that they had lost two
similar contracts that week.

– Choose the item which best completes the sentence,
according to the passage:

Diana wouldn't be at the farm in time for dinner unless she
__________ by five.

a) would get away
b) gets away
c) got away
d) had got away
e) can get away

018 | ITA 1997
New technologies allow total strangers to know almost
everything about a person. Author Peter F. Eder writes
about the ongoing invasion of personal privacy which will
get much worse unless better safeguards are quickly

– De que forma o trecho "unless better safeguards are
quickly established" poderia ser reescrito, sem alteração do
significado do texto?

a) ... if better safeguards are established quickly.
b) ... if better safeguards quickly established.
c) ... if better safeguards are not quickly established.
d) ... when better safeguards are quickly established.
e) ... when better safeguards are not established.

019 | UNESP 2002
If senior citizens __________ more pessimistic toward
technology, Web developers and marketers __________ to
emphasize two things: ease of use and value.

a) became – have
b) become – have
c) became – would have
d) became – will have
e) became – had

020 | ITA 2004 – ADAPTED
Had they been born just a few years earlier, they would have
been part of that powerful and long-lasting generation that
entered the military during World War II and filled the
universities immediately after the war.

– Assinale a opção que contém uma expressão equivalente
a: "Had they been born", em "Had they been born just a few
years earlier..." e que, portanto, poderia vir a substituí-la no

a) They had been born...
b) When they had been born...
c) As they had been born...
d) Whether they had been born...
e) If they had been born...

021 | PUCPR 2005 – ADAPTED
Although it is very big (a female adult measures 9 cm) and
poisonous, the Italian tarantula does not represent a serious
problem for people.

– According to the text, one alternative is correct:

If the Italian tarantula had been so poisonous, a lot of

a) will be killed.
b) would have to kill.
c) would have killed.
d) would be killed.
e) would have been killed.

022 | MACKENZIE 2005
If you __________(I) a friend or relative for his or her
favorite awards-show moment, you __________(II) about
the kiss between Madonna and Britney Spears at the 2003
MTV Video Music Awards.

– Mark the correct alternative to fill in blanks I and II:

a) were asked about – can tell
b) asked – have been told
c) could have asked – should tell
d) were to ask – might be told
e) must ask – have to be told

023 | MACKENZIE 2005
The sentence "If you run into someone on the street in
Taiwan, he's likely to greet you by asking 'Have you eaten?'"
in the THIRD CONDITIONAL will be:

a) If you had run into someone on the street in Taiwan, he
might have probably greeted you by asking 'Have you
b) If you ran into someone on the street in Taiwan, he would
have been likely to greet you by asking 'Have you eaten?'
c) If you ran into someone on the street in Taiwan, he would
likely greet you by asking 'Have you eaten?'
d) If you had run into someone on the street in Taiwan, he
would have been likely to greet you by asking 'Had you been
e) If you could run into someone on the street in Taiwan, he
would have likely to greet you by asking 'Have you eaten?'

024 | MACKENZIE 2005
The sentence "If Orwell's book were to be rewritten, you
would have a nightmare vision of the world" in the THIRD

a) If Orwell's book had to been rewritten, you would have
been a nightmare vision of the world.
b) If Orwell's book had been rewritten, you would have had
a nightmare vision of the world.
c) If Orwell's book had rewritten, you would have a
nightmare vision of the world.
d) If Orwell's book had been rewriting, you would had have a
nightmare vision of the world.
e) If Orwell's book had rewritten, you would have been a
nightmare vision of the world.

025 | UFC 2006 – ADAPTED
What's the relation between the two clauses in the
underlined sentence below?

If this dental dream becomes a reality, stem cells will be
taken from the patient, cultured in a lab and then
reimplanted under the gum in the patient's jaw where the
tooth is missing.

a) Consequence.
b) Conclusion.
c) Result.
d) Contrast.
e) Condition.

Mensagens : 295
Data de inscrição : 09/01/2014

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